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Studio Abstracto
May 19, 20201 min read
Σώμα, θυμήσου όχι μόνο το πόσο αγαπήθηκες, όχι μονάχα τα κρεββάτια όπου πλάγιασες, αλλά κ' εκείνες τες επιθυμίες που για σένα γυάλιζαν...
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Studio Abstracto
May 17, 20201 min read
Amor otra vez ,love one more time By artist Dimitris Pavlopoulos.
la misma forma en la cara de la mujer dentro de una habitación entonces ella se siente diferente cada día alegría y lágrimas van y vienen...
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Studio Abstracto
May 13, 20201 min read
Abstract Figurative Collection mujeres borrachas
The woman in the inviolable the contrast that brings it to life in front of my eyes the white and the black that it's there to look at...
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Studio Abstracto
May 12, 20201 min read
Studio Abstracto
Dimitris Pavlopoulos primitive style paintings are inherently figurative, yet their naive imagery is predominantly design orientated.
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Studio Abstracto
May 11, 20201 min read
Abstract portrait on canvas by contemporary artist Dimitris Pavlopoulos title Amigo#2
The serie of anonymous portraits is The energy that is not visible to the human senses but you feel it and you realize it spontaneously .
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